Complex types

_Any, _Union, _Function

The _Any type

This is a pretty simple improvement. Not all client types are objects. Primitives, such as numbers and booleans, do not inherit from Object. It is sometimes useful to say that a value can have any type. What do we call the type for such a value? TypeScript calls it any, we call it _Any.

The _Union type

_Union is a template type that can hold a value of any of the types listed in its template arguments. Continuing with the TypeScript analogies, _Union<T...> is similar to T | ... in TypeScript. For example, the third argument to the addEventListener function can be a boolean, or an object of type AddEventListenerOptions. To specify this, the function signature uses the type const _Union<bool, AddEventListenerOptions*>&.

Union types solve another problem that might not be immediately obvious. To see why, first let’s discuss the alternative.

Uint8Array has a constructor that takes either an ArrayBuffer*, a SharedArrayBuffer* or an ArrayLike<double>*. Instead of using a union type in the constructor, we could instead generate 3 separate overloads.

Uint8Array(ArrayBuffer* array);
Uint8Array(SharedArrayBuffer* array);
Uint8Array(ArrayLike<double>* array);

Uint8Array also has a get_buffer method. This method returns an ArrayBuffer* or a SharedArrayBuffer*. We cannot use the same overload trick with return types, so it must still return a union.

_Union<ArrayBuffer*, SharedArrayBuffer*>* get_buffer();

Ideally, we should be able to directly pass the result of get_buffer to the constructor of Uint8Array. This does not work with the overloads because each individual signature is not compatible with the union type returned by get_buffer.

new Uint8Array(array->get_buffer()); // error
new Uint8Array(array->get_buffer()->cast()); // error: ambiguous
new Uint8Array(array->get_buffer()->cast<ArrayBuffer*>()); // ok

By instead using a const reference union type for the constructor, we can directly pass the result of get_buffer to the constructor without the need for any casts.

Uint8Array(const _Union<ArrayBuffer*, SharedArrayBuffer*, ArrayLike<double>*>& array);

The _Function type

_Function is a type safe first-class function type that is used for passing functions to higher order functions. The template argument to _Function is a C-style function type that specifies the return value and arguments of the function. _Function types can be constructed from raw function pointers and from C++11 lambdas.

Type conversions

You will often find the _Any, _Union, and _Function types passed by const reference. Passing by const reference allows these types to be implicitly constructed from other compatible types. The rules for these conversions are specified by the cheerp::CanCast helper template, which mostly mimics the rules of TypeScript.

_Any can be constructed from any other type. _Union can be constructed from any type that can be converted to any of the types in the union. _Function can be constructed from other functions with a covariant return type and an equal or smaller number of contravariant arguments.

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