Clientlib migration guide

How to use the updated Clientlib

Cheerp nightly only

Clientlib (clientlib.h) has been updated with improved type information, addition of modern APIs, integration with C++ coroutines, and more. For more information, see this blog post. This guide shows you how to migrate to the updated Clientlib.

Common errors

This is not a complete list, but it should provide plenty of information to get you started.

Class type parameters must be pointer types

For template classes, such as client::TArray, if the type parameter is a class type, it must be a pointer. Primitive types must not be pointers.


Any attempt to use a non-pointer class type as a type parameter will result in an error.

error: static assertion failed due to requirement 'cheerp::CheckTemplate<client::String>'
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Issues with static_cast

Using static_cast to cast between client types may result in an error.

error: cannot cast 'client::Object *' to 'client::Element *' via virtual base 'client::Node'

Most of these issues can be fixed by replacing static_cast<T*>(object) with object->cast<T*>(). If object has a dependent type, you may need to use object->template cast<T*>() instead.

object->template cast<client::Element*>()

Class template requires template arguments

Some types that were type erased before now require template arguments.

error: use of class template 'Promise' requires template arguments; argument deduction not allowed in function return type
client::Promise* getName() {

The best way to resolve these errors is to add the appropriate type parameter. For example, getName should probably return client::Promise<client::String*>*.

When the appropriate type is unclear, or when the template type must stay type erased for other reasons, you may choose to use client::Promise<client::_Any*>* or client::Promise<client::Object*>*.

Some of the types that now require type parameters are listed below.


No type named TMap

error: no template named 'TMap' in namespace 'client'; did you mean 'Map'?
client::TMap<int, int>* getName() {

client::TMap has been removed. Use client::Map (without the T) instead.

client::TArray still exists, and client::Array is still type erased, for now. This is likely to change in a future release.

client::TMap<int, int>*
client::Map<int, int>*

Cannot initialize with value of type _Union<T...>*

Some functions that used to return a concrete type now return client::_Union<T...>* instead.

One example of this is the get_buffer function on typed arrays. This function used to return client::ArrayBuffer*, but it now returns client::_Union<client::ArrayBuffer*, client::SharedArrayBuffer*>*.

error: cannot initialize a variable of type 'client::ArrayBuffer *' with an rvalue of type '_Union<ArrayBuffer *, SharedArrayBuffer *> *'
client::ArrayBuffer* buffer = array->get_buffer();
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To fix this, simply cast the union type using ->cast<T>(). Depending on where the result is being used, it may be possible to omit the type parameter to cast.

For example, for the above error, we could instead write:

client::ArrayBuffer* buffer = array->get_buffer()->cast();

No known conversion to ArrayLike<double>*

Functions that take ArrayLike<T> used to be defined as template functions, so they could take any type of parameter. These functions are no longer template functions, they instead use the new client::ArrayLike<T> template class. client::TArray<T> and typed arrays do not inherit from client::ArrayLike<T>.

One example of this is the set function on typed arrays.

error: no matching member function for call to 'set'
note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'client::Uint8Array *' to 'ArrayLike<double> *' for 1st argument
void set(ArrayLike<double>* array);
note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 1 was provided
void set(ArrayLike<double>* array, double offset);

To pass an array to a function that expects client::ArrayLike<T>*, you can use ->cast<T>() or ->cast().


Functions with different template parameters

Functions whose return type is not known at compile time were defined as template functions. Some of these functions are no longer template functions, and return a specific type instead.

One example of this is the client::JSON.parse function. This function now returns client::Object*. The error you will get is slightly confusing.

error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction
client::Object* object = client::JSON.parse<client::Object*>(string);
error: expected expression
client::Object* object = client::JSON.parse<client::Object*>(string);

To fix the error, simply remove the type parameter. Use ->cast<T>() or ->cast() if you need a type that is more specific than what the function returns.

client::Object* object = client::JSON.parse(string);

Redefinition of client class

The old Clientlib was missing some modern JavaScript types. To use these types, you may have defined them yourself in the client namespaces.

The new Clientlib already contains many of these modern types. Attempting to redefine them yourself results in an error.

error: redefinition of 'Set' as different kind of symbol
class Set { /* ... */ };
note: previous definition is here
class Set: public Object {

To fix this, simply remove your definition of the duplicate class. The one in Clientlib should have all the methods you need.

Renamed classes

Some classes have been replaced with newer classes that have a different name.

For example, client::Element::getBoundingClientRect now returns client::DOMRect* instead of client::ClientRect*.

error: cannot initialize a variable of type 'client::ClientRect *' with an rvalue of type 'DOMRect *'
client::ClientRect* rect = element->getBoundingClientRect();
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In this case, the error can be fixed by simply replacing client::ClientRect* with client::DOMRect*.

client::DOMRect* rect = element->getBoundingClientRect();

Ambiguous overloads

Some functions have added overloads that cause previously valid code to now be ambiguous. This often happens when passing an integer to a function that has overloads for both double and some pointer type, or when a function has overloads for const String& and const _Union<T...>&.

error: call to constructor of 'client::Date' is ambiguous
new client::Date(0);
^ ~
note: candidate constructor
Date(double value);
note: candidate constructor
Date(VarDate* vd);

To fix the error, change the type of the argument to match the overload that you intend to call.

new client::Date(0.0); // calls double constructor
new client::Date(nullptr); // calls VarDate* constructor

New features

_Any, _Union, and _Function

These are 3 new types to help improve the type safety of programs that interact with JavaScript code. The types do not exist in JavaScript, they only exist to help define accurate function signatures.

_Any is similar to Object, except that _Any is also compatible with primitive types, such as double and int. _Any can be constructed on the fly from any type. _Any is roughly equivalent to any in TypeScript.

_Union is used to describe values whose type is unknown, but limited to a set of known types. _Union types can be constructed on the fly for any type in the union. _Union types can also be cast to a real type using ->cast() or ->cast<T>(). _Union<T...> is roughly equivalent to T | ... in TypeScript.

_Function is a type safe first-class function type that replaces EventListener* when passing functions to higher order functions. _Function can be constructed on the fly from raw function pointers and C++11 lambdas. cheerp::Callback() can still be used to get an EventListener*, but prefer constructing a _Function instead.

_Union and _Function support many conversions to help keep your code clean. For example, _Union<double> can be converted to _Union<double, String*>, and _Function<void(Object*)> can be converted to _Function<void(String*)>.

->cast<T>() and ->cast()

These functions have no effect other than to change the type of a value. They differ from other pointer casts in that they mimic the rules of casting objects in TypeScript, rather than in C++.

static_cast has many restrictions that make in unsuitable for use with client types. You cannot use it to cast through virtual base classes, which are used to define some client types. static_cast also cannot be used to perform many casts involving _Union and _Function. Because, in the eyes of static_cast, _Union<String*> and _Union<Object*> are two completely distinct and unrelated types. ->cast<T>() and ->cast() do allow you to perform these casts.

->cast<T>() does exactly what you’d expect, it returns a value of type T. ->cast() returns an intermediate object that implements a conversion operator operator T();. In many cases, the compiler can infer the type T of the conversion operator, and it doesn’t need to be specified explicitly.

auto* string = object->cast<client::String*>(); // auto cannot be inferred
client::String* string = object->cast(); // type can be inferred

Easing migration with -DUSE_OLD_CLIENTLIB

During migration, it can be useful to temporarily switch back to the old Clientlib. This can be done by adding -DUSE_OLD_CLIENTLIB to your compiler flags. This flag only exists to ease migration to the new Clientlib. Do not rely on this flag to build your project. It will be removed in a future release.

Ask for help

If you have some code that cannot be migrated, or encounter any other issues with the new Clientlib, please reach out to us on Discord.

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